Season 2
S2E1: Holocron Heist
02 October 2009Darth Sidious commissions a bounty hunter to break into the Jedi Temple Archives.
S2E2: Cargo of Doom
02 October 2009With Anakin and Ahsoka in pursuit, Cad Bane seeks the last piece to unlock the holocron he stole for Darth Sidious.
S2E3: Children of the Force
09 October 2009With the information from the stolen holocron, Darth Sidious orders Cad Bane to kidnap several Force-sensitive children for his scheme.
S2E4: Senate Spy
17 October 2009At the Jedi High Council's request, Padme investigates a Separatist conspiracy in the Senate.
S2E5: Landing at Point Rain
04 November 2009Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead a landing party to destroy a droid factory on Geonosis.
S2E6: Weapons Factory
13 November 2009Luminara and Anakin act as decoys to divert new enemy super-tanks, while Padawans Barriss Offee and Ahsoka attempt to destroy a Separatist droid factory
S2E7: Legacy of Terror
20 November 2009Luminara Unduli disappears during a sandstorm while following Poggle the Lesser. When Anakin and Obi-Wan track her to an ancient temple, they are attacked by undead Geonosian warriors.
S2E8: Brain Invaders
04 December 2009Ahsoka, Barris and Tango Company board a supply ship to a station near Ord Cestus. But one of the troopers has been infected by a Geonosian brain worm and has taken along a nest full of worm eggs to submit the others.
S2E9: Grievous Intrigue
01 January 2010Master Eeth Koth has tracked down General Grievous, but is soon captured and tortured as an example to the Jedi. Obi-Wan, Anakin and Adi Gallia mount a rescue attempt, unaware that Grievous is expecting them to do just that.
S2E10: The Deserter
01 January 2010Obi-Wan and a detachment of the 501st track down General Grievous on Saleucami. When Captain Rex is injured he is taken to a farmhouse to recuperate, only to find the farmer has a familiar face.
S2E11: Lightsaber Lost
22 January 2010During a mission in the underworld of Coruscant, a pickpocket steals Ahsoka's lightsaber. Too ashamed to tell Anakin, she sets out to look for the thief alone, but gets help from Tera Sinube, an ancient Jedi Master.
S2E12: The Mandalore Plot
29 January 2010Firmly opposed to war, Duchess Satine of Mandalore heads the Council of Neutral Systems. Obi-Wan Kenobi investigates rumors of the resurgence of the so-called Death Watch on her planet.
S2E13: Voyage of Temptation
05 February 2010Obi-Wan and Anakin guard the Duchess Satine and members of The Council of Neutral Systems as they travel to Coruscant aboard the luxury vessel Coronet, but a traitor amongst them has smuggled aboard a spider-shaped assassin droid.
S2E14: Duchess of Mandalore
12 February 2010On Coruscant, word reaches Duchess Satine that Death Watch is mobilizing, sparking a preemptive Republic invasion. On the run from Republic authorities, Satine and Obi-Wan set off to discover the group's true motives
S2E15: Senate Murders
05 March 2010Padme is working to to introduce a bill to minimize military spending and halt the creation of clone troopers. But when one of her most trusted allies is poisoned, she and Bail Organa set out to expose the murderer.
S2E16: Cat and Mouse
26 March 2010Anakin is tasked to fly a prototypical cloaked ship to get supplies to Bail Organa on Christophsis, but can't resist an urge to attack a blockade headed by the infamous Admiral Trench
S2E17: Bounty Hunters
02 April 2010Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka crash land on Felucia and reluctantly join four bounty hunters in defending a village from Hondo Ohnaka's pirate gang.
S2E18: The Zillo Beast
09 April 2010When the Republic detonates a powerful electro-proton bomb to settle the battle of Malastare, it accidentally wakens an ancient and thought to be extinct Zillo Beast.
S2E19: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
16 April 2010The Zillo Beast has been captured and is brought to Coruscant for testing. Chancellor Palpatine wants to learn the secrets of its invulnerability but only manages to make the beast angry enough to escape.
S2E20: Death Trap
23 April 2010Determined to have his revenge on Mace Windu, Boba Fett infiltrates Jedi cruiser Endurance as part of a group of young clone cadets.
S2E21: Liberty on Ryloth
23 April 2010When Anakin and Mace try to rescue Admiral Kilian from his crashed cruiser, they walk into a trap set by Boba Fett and his bounty hunter associates. Then it is up to R2-D2 to try and get a message out.
S2E22: Lethal Trackdown
30 April 2010Boba Fett and Aurra Sing are using hostages to force Mace Windu to face them. With Mace and Anakin still recovering, Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano track down the bounty hunters.