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Lara Croft

Tomb Raider 8: Underworld



Use the ring on the ceiling to grapple swing across the gap to the other side. If Lara falls into the water, there's a small ledge below one end of the broken walkway where she can climb out.

On the other side, go to the far left corner of the room and climb the handholds between the rocks. Climb to the left end of the higher handhold and jump to grab the horizontal pole sticking out of the wall. This is actually a lever. Hang on as Lara's weight pulls it down, opening the underwater door below.

Some players have reported reaching this area only to find the pole that opens the door is missing. This is a bug caused by swimming into the underwater tunnel at the start of "The Remnants" chapter. As far as I know, the only solutions are to download a save file without the bug (available on my Underworld Save Files page) or replay from the beginning of Coastal Thailand without entering the tunnel and triggering the bug. (See the Eidos Interactive support site for details.)


Drop into the water. Swim through the doorway and along the tunnel. If you swim quickly, you can probably make it to the end of the tunnel without stopping for air. But if you need it, there's an air pocket near the ceiling about halfway along. When you reach the big door at the end of the tunnel, swim to the metal handle and press Interact to pull it. Swim through to end the level.

Cinematic: Lara climbs back onto the boat and grabs her laptop for a little conference with the boys back at home. She tells Zip and Alister about the map and her father's involvement. She says she's convinced he kept a record of the map's contents and that he found and hid the other gauntlet. . . .right under their noses. We then see her motoring toward home.

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