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Season 1 Episode 06 - The Reckoning

When Xena and Gabrielle are travelling one-day Xena hears the clash of swords up ahead. She quickly gets on Argo and rides off to see if she can help. When she gets there she see some unarmed men being killed by hooded man. She fights off the attacker and helps the men, when the villagers come to help the fallen they think it was Xena who killed the and try to arrest her. Xena gets away but later turns herself in when she starts to fell guiltly about her past crimes. Xena knows that the real killer is Ares God of War, he has always wanted Xena to join him and rule the world, so he played this trick to try and make her, but Xena manipulates him back, and make him bring the dead villagers back to life. The village is so please and thank Xena for trying to save their lives.


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