Season 4 Episode 18 - The Convert
Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer protect some people in a temple when a few of the attackers run off Xena follows them and finds the warlord Kryton attacking a group of woman. A battle brakes out between Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer and Kryton and his men. Joxer kills Kryton, which is his first kill. In the meantime Gabrielle and Xena recognise one of the captured woman. She is Najara from "Crusader". She has escaped from prison but she is good now and follows Eli's way of love and peace. Gabrielle believes her but Xena is not so sure. After finding out that the man Joxer just killed has a son called Arman, Joxer decides to go and see him and tell him that he killed his father. Gabrielle and Xena join him and are going to take Najara back to prison once they have. They get to the school were Arman is, he is about 19 years old and is nothing like is warlord father. Arman thinks that his father is a good man and not a warlord, Xena tells him that he is now dead but Joxer decides not to tell him that he killed him yet. Instead Arman is going to join them for a while. While with them Najara tells Arman that his father is an evil warlord and that Joxer killed him, Arman tries to kill Joxer but fail because Xena protects him. He then leaves, Gabrielle still believes that Najara is good even after she nearly got Joxer killed, but Xena still doesn't believe her new good act and they carry on taken her to prison. Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer and Najara are then attacked by a few of Kryton's men and Arman comes back and saves Joxer's life, he realises that Joxer didn't kill the man he thought his father was he killed an evil warlord. Gabrielle and Najara are still hiding from Kryton's men because they follow the way of peace so they can't fight. Then Najara gets a message from the Djinn and starts attacking Gabrielle, she gets free but then a fight brakes out between Najara and Xena. Xena wins and Najara goes into a comma.